Friday, April 3, 2009

XP Day Suisse

Monday I went with 3 colleagues to XP Day Switzerland.  It was the first time an XP Day was held in Geneva and the event had a great turnout—probably about 120 attendees.  There were a few interesting presentations, DSC00370I bumped into a couple people I met at the Agile Alliance board reception held a couple months ago, and I met some new folk I expect to bump into at the next conference (XP Day France).  DSC00371I figure this is the best way for me to learn and keep up with the industry… to get out and talk with other practitioners, find out what’s important to them, find out what they’re reading, talk about some of the problems I’m working on, etc.  It is definitely harder to do this networking thing in a foreign tongue, but it’s still interesting and fun.  One of the presenters was from Quebec, and she had an accent I’d never heard before.  I spoke with a couple colleagues and they said it’s a typical accent… it sounded almost Spanish to me at times, and while I could understand her it was also a lot more effort.

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