May 9, 2010
So, the same day Daddie ran the Trail des Forts, Callie had another GRS competition. Lilou’s mommie took the girls and we tried to make it in time to see her perform. We only caught the tail end of her last show…. She is the second one from the le
ft, with the other girl dancing around her.
After the performance, she did races and games with the other students – between activities she hung around us a bit. Daddie was so exhausted from his race, he ended up going back into the car to sleep for a couple hours! I took a couple pictures of her in her fancy duds, and with her good pal Lilou…
At the end, a group of older girls (high school teens?) did an amazing, circus quality performance – it was awesome and then they finally gave out the medals to the kids. Here is her group and her coach….
In fact, there was an end of the year spectacle as well – and Callie missed it because we went to Italy that week. I came early to her last class of GRS in order to see them practicing it – she was very excited about it because she got to finally use the ribbons. Here is the video (she is the one mostly in the back in a black leotard and white tights):
Callie seemed to like GRS and was certainly excellent at it, but is not interested in returning. When I ask her why, she says it is because it is too hard – but then I tell her that is a bad reason for quitting. Then she says she doesn’t really like it – even though she always seems happy while she is doing it. Oh well!
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