You may be wondering if I cook French these days. The answer is yes and no. I do experiment and use mostly french ingredients. We eat differently here - lots and lots more bread and cheese! I have a few french recipes our whole family likes too. But, whenever we are invited over to a party or
We had really been looking forward to riding the train out to Regis's place. He lives in
Then we were off to hit the slopes. It had snowed several feet the week before but the sun had been working on
melting since. This made the snow super, duper soft - and exceedingly hard to walk in. I can't really decide if it was harder for us adults, who were heavier and therefore sunk deeper, or for the kids who, when they broke through found themselves in snow over their knees, at times. All I can say is, I've never had such a hard time in snow - or seen such a gorgeous clear day! It was amazing how empty it was, so close to their house. It was also great because it was quite warm - I always hate the "I'm freezing" aspect of being out in the snow. But, after struggling on for about a half an hour, Regis choose to leave and get some snow shoes for the grown ups. I have never t
ried them before so that was really fun - it did help but it certainly wasn't as easy as just walking on a road or something. We finally made it to the hill, an extremely steep bowl shaped section in what must be some gorgeous pastures in the summer. Well, it was actually kind of amusing, riding the sled down that hill - it did go down - but it was like watching a slow motion instant replay of sledding. What should have taken 10 seconds took about 45 - and they stopped as soon as they hit bottom! Then, they had to, somehow, make it up the hill again. You couldn't even roll down the hill. The snow was so soft we couldn't get momentum going. Plus, the snow
was so wet, we were getting soaked. After about 5 attempts, we gave up and headed back home - walking most of the way on the road. The kids had a hard time making it to the road and did some whining but honestly, I was impressed at how strong they all are (I include Anne and Marc), especially Griffin - he's not 4 yet and we only carried him a small portion of the journey. Once they made it to the road the grumbling stopped and they happily skipped home, singing songs, attached to each other by the ski poles we had used with the snow shoes. Once we got home, they unbelievably played a bit more in the backyard snow and Regis showed us this strange parasitic plant that grows on the trees around here. I forget the name in French but it makes the trees look like they have giant puffy balls popping off of them. I have seen them and often wondered what the problem was! I suspected from his description it maybe was the plant we call mistletoe because it has white
waxy berries and there is a tradition of kissing under it. Of course, I checked this out online and learned that I was.... right! Hooray! Besides the info that Regis provided (in ancient times, the Celts used to squeeze the berries to make some sort of hallucinatory drink - yum) I also read that "the sticky juice of mistletoe can be used to trap small birds." Apparently, you can chew up a bunch of the raw berries until they are sticky (but don't swallow any - poison) and then rub the results between your hands to produce long sticky strands you can drape over likely perching spots. The birds get stuck - you get dinner- nice! (This info may come in handy someday, like, if Armageddon comes). The fringe benefit of preparing this trap is you're so stoned you won't even care that the world has come to an end!
We had a lovely dinner and put the kids in bed. A quick note on a French custom - their kids eat dinner in their pajamas. At first, I'd only seen this in one place - but now it's several families. I guess this is so the kids can go straight to bed after a late-ish supper. But, I won
der, what happens when your kids spill all over themselves? Are French kids inherently neater? But, no matter, no giant spills this time and, after all that adventuring, they were ready for sleep. Callie, by this point, was inseparable from Anne and spent the night wrapped up in her arms. We stayed up late, (for us, that's 11pm) chatting. Mostly Marie and I listened to Andre and Regis talk about work - it was fun for me to listen to someone who works with him and hear another perspective. Marie and Regis both speak English beautifully and I really appreciated spending time with people I could converse with. I also worked on trying out my French-and embarassed myself so badly I ended up crying in frustration. So, after that, we mostly just spoke in English! The next day, we all went over to a local Fromagerie and farm. This was such an amazing experience it deserves it's own blog and, it will get one!
After lunch we packed up and headed back for the train station. All the kids were so sad to leave, I think they wanted to move in permanantly. As we were driving away I had this exchange with Griffin:
G: Mom, I'm sad
G: Mom, I'm sad
M: Oh, why Griffin?
G: Because I don't want to leave this place.
M: Why?
G: Because I love beautiful places.
M: I love beautiful places too! It would be fun to stay. But I am excited to go home on the train. Do you want to go on the train?
G: Oh yes, the train will take us home to the real France
M: But this is France, Griffin!
G: No it's not, this is the Switzerland-France - We live in the real France.
M: Oh, OK! (best not to argue)
According to Griffin, only our house and it's immediate neighborhood is the 'real france'. Anywhere else is something else entirely. We've tried to explain to him about, Besancon, towns etc... to no avail. He is also convinced he is French - and claims he only speaks a little English. Go figure!
Well, I, for one, am very glad we got to see Switzerland France. Stay tuned for the fromagerie section of our adventures.
1 comment:
Hello Rebecca,
Marie is not exactly working in Switzerland. Their office is located in Morteau (worldwide renowned for its Saucisse). That's indeed very close to the swiss border (sth like 5 km).
The Desgroppes
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