OK - this wa
s my favorite place in Belgium (as you may be able to tell by the number of photos!!) Also it was only half an hour from our apartment - nice to have a short drive.
I think the reason I loved Bruges so much was that it was truly like steppin
The canals w
ere lovely, of course, as well as the Dijver river, but we skipped the tour
boat this time. Thought I'd include this shot of Zander in front of some beer. Belgium is, as I'm sure most of you know, famous for it's amazing variety of beer. We, former Mormons (and cheapos) that we are, don't drink, but there was lots and lots of beer for sale and T-shirts with beer, beer displays etc.... all over different parts of the country. What there wasn't as much of, however, was what Bruges is famous for - hand made lace. Apparantly Bruge is famous for textile trade and especially it's handmade lace. It is still done on spindles and the finest lace is called the fairy stich - it uses 300 to 700 spindles to be created. Wow!
Soon we headed over to De Markt. The Market Place - the main place of Bruges. I tho
We then walked through the town towards Minnewater Lake (the lake of love) following the rumor that
there was a castle like structure with a moat around it (no luck - Andre' was so sad - it was the one thing he really wanted to see in Bruges). We saw horse drawn carriages and sat on this great
bench supported by dragons to eat our packed lunch. Just walking around this town was a sheer joy. There were beautiful bridges, wonderful canals and little statues and monuments were all over the place. Callie
loved the unicorns
above this driveway arch and hey, check out this doorknocker! I know it is little compare
d to cathedrals and canals, but it was all these little things that made every street a pleasure to explore. I saw the Dhondt name on several shops (like the Antique shop pictured here)
We even saw someone
expertly replacing Belgian blocks along the street. Despite his incredible proficiency, the guy only finished this one section over the river the whole afternoon. Does it last longer than concrete, I wonder? They do use these blocks on most of the sidewalks all over Belgium and also on many of the streets - especially here in Bruges. (But, unfortunately, the burning question remains, What do they call them here? We also found a place selling Belgian chocolates for less than a king's ransom. Only 12 Euros a kilo - what's wrong with them?? Well, we were willing to risk 6 Euros for a try (That's like, 35 chocolates). They owner said
they had been in this location for 3 generations and all the chocolates were handmade. If he was lying, that's OK by me. Oh, man, was it ever worth it! These were the best chocolates I've ever had. They were so gosh durned good I am going to post the shop information right here, right now, in case any of you ever end up in Bruges (or if I ever do, since I want to be able to return!) It was the Chocolaterie Daya Gistelsesteerweg 516, 8200 Sint Andries Bruges Belgium GSM: 0476 33 37 31 and the guy's email (if you want to try ordering some - hey, maybe he'll ship overseas) is dayabvba@hotmail.com)
After a while we dropped into the Church of our Lady. This cathedral is famous for ho
using one of the few Micheal
angelo sculptures to be found outside of Italy. This shot of "Our Lady and the Infant" certainly does n
ot do it justice. This cathedral also had a beautiful alter and an amazing wooden carved lectern. The kids really liked this shell shaped holy water holder (I'm sure 'holy water holder' is not the right term - but I'm not sure what would be). We got into a long discussion about what holy water is, why they have it etc.... (I was grateful for my, albeit withered, Roman Catholic roots)
My most loyal readers (who also have photographic memories) may recall me bemoaning the fate of the poor trees in Besancon. Well, the further we have traveled over Europe, the more I realize that this harsh treatment is par for the course when you are a tree unfortunate enough to grow (or be planted) near people in Europe. These particular trees, however, that grew in a line surrounding the cathedral, truly took the cake. The poor things! This picture says it all for me - torture of the trees, backed by the torture of the cross.
We then stopped near city hall (that's Daddy and Zander posing in front of it) to see a smaller cathedral that had aroused my curiousity due to online descriptions. The Basilica of the Precious Blood. It seems that, according to very ancient Bruges traditio
n, this relic, was brought back to the church in 1150 from the Crusades. At the time the church was a small, insignifigant place, especially compared to some of the other grand cathedrals (as you can tell from seeing us walking in front of it - we are hardly even dwarfed at all!) However, having this relic really upped the status of this place and it became richer and richer, people from all over the world came (and still come) to visit the supposed vial of the Savior's blood. We went inside, paying a bit extra to visit the museum where they keep the golden shrine that they carry the blood during an annual parade through the town of Bruges. We then went inside. Well
folks, they couldn't make the church bigger, so they made the inside as
elaborate as possible. The sight of this interior was simply heart stopping. Zander, upon entering, stopped and started making little, high pitched gulping noises - this is what he does, usually, when he is so excited he wants to scream. I went over to try to calm him down. He is smart enough to know he simply can't scream in a cathedral, but, it was all just too much for him and after about another minute of astonished staring, he, quite literally, fell over. I told him the people who designed the church would be really happy to see such a reaction. I'm not quite sure what it was that made it so special. Maybe it's because it wasn't too huge - and all the different walls worked together well. It didn't seem too overwhelming, or tacky - it just seemed like being inside a giant, inspiring piece of art. The whole 'relic' thing is very interesting to me. I mean, even if you truly believe that this thing, all locked up behind gilded walls, truly DOES contain a few drops of Christ's blood, (yeah right) so what? Is it similar to people who brag about having Elvis's cigarette butt? Does it make you closer to a person just to be around their stuff? Or do they think that the relic's aura (since you can't actually see the relic itself) has some special power? On some level I get it - I treasure my keepsakes from my Grandma, but, like, I wouldn't want a vial of her blood. Curiouser and curiouser...
Our final sto
Did you ever see the (recent) movie "In Bruges?" looks like you may have been in some of the scene locations! Pretty good movie, too!
Nope - I'll have to add it to my list!
We accidentally stumbled on your site. Thank you very much for your comment, but our shop address in Bruges is Wijngaardstraat nr 5 and our factory address was Gistelse steenweg 516 :)
Anyhow we hope to see you again.
Our phonenumber is 0478 333 731 (not 0476 ;) ).
And don't worry, our price is still the same and most importantly our quality as well.
Thank you again for these nice comments.
Chocolaterie Daya
Van den Broeck François
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