So for Rebecca's birthday she wanted me to take the day off, to be able to watch 2 episodes of Lost, to eat out, and to have black magic cake. There may have been more that she requested, but if so, I forgot. We started the day together and took all the kids to school,
and then we decided to spend the time as we would spend special time with the kids--we pick something that we'd both like to do together. We did our blogging together, watched 2 episodes of Lost, picked the kids up and went out to lunch at the Comtoise (I forgot the whole name--it is a local place specializing in Franche Compté food. We've really enjoyed their food in the past but today it wasn't great. The lunch special was a salmon lasagna - and it was overdone - and tasted about as wierd as it sounds - and the dessert was brownies. Never eat brownies in France - they are not brownies!) We then dropped the kids off again and let Griffin entertain himself while we sorted out some details with our upcoming vacation rentals. We believe we've found the cheapest way for us to travel--we rent an apartment for a week, direct from an owner, and use that home-away-from-home as our base for cooking and sleeping and day trips. We are excited to be confirming our Belgium and Paris locations. After that it was back to chauffering kids and tutor time. When the kids were done with tutoring, I took them to the bookmobile, and as they pawed through their new acquisitions, I literally put the icing on the cake. That was dinner. Not a balanced meal? Hey, I made whipped cream icing--that should count for the dairy food group!
Happy Birthday, Rebecca! Here she is opening presents
and then we're singing around the cake (with tea lights for candles!)
We topped off the evening with a babysitter putting the kids to bed as Rebecca and I went out for pizza--actually a special treat for us since with Mr G's wheat intolerance we can't ever go out to a pizza shop as a family--and brought two decks of cards. This was so we could play canasta. This is the game Rebecca grew up playing with her parents and also with her Aunt Pat and Uncle Bill. She remembers her mom telling her that Grandpa Barille would always hold everything in his hand and then go ou
t all at once. Well, the ancestors must have been on her side for her birthday because, when I was in control and ahead the sneaky girl put nothing down and then went out all at once! We had to play again, of course and Rebecca beat me handily a second time. At margin of over 500 points each time!
We came home to watch yet another episode of Lost... can't wait for to find out what happens and for this obsession to be over... but then again, I think we'll never finish, since the show is now in season 6 and I bet viewers still don't know what's up with the Others... and our DVD's only go to season 4 - what to do????
Happy special day to Beckie. Sounds like you had lots of fun. I got intothe first season of Lost on Netflix but then it just got more and more complicated. Nothing but new questions and puzzles and never any answers! So frustrating so I swore off. Hope they actually manage to come up with a good story arc to finally end it.
Next time, you should play Egyptian Rat. ;)
Happy belated!
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