We leave the ho
use at around 10 am and don't find a satisfactory slope to sled down for 2 hours... We thought there was a lift to one, and various locals said there was too - we g
ot lost a bit, and needed to go back for warmer socks and drinks and finally got to a hill where they
allowed sledding, but there was no lift there....ugh! So we tried another random hill, but the snow wasn't packed and we basically all just floundered around in it. Spirits were pretty high the entire time, although poor Griffin had a hard time keeping his gloves on. Finally we found the hill we wanted and spent about an hour sliding up and down. The snow is hard and very fast! Only Callie had a big wipe out! Then we headed home for lunch and the kids watched a movie (Ice Age - how appropriate) and did some of our new exciting crafts.
Later we headed for town - they had a little festival with music and free hot chocolate - we spent some time wandering around and had dinner... Mark was suprised his calzone had a sunny side up runny egg concealed inside - tres francais! Headed home and put the kids in bed, spent some time planning the rest of the week...we got some money from family so we are hoping to be able to dog sled!!!
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