Friday, January 30, 2009
Upcoming adventure
This cold/flu or whatever it is sucks. It makes us tired, achey and listless and cranky. I just don't want to do anything. The only bright spot is that the kids seem to be immune to the germ. I am grateful that I don't have to take care of them. Despite a family heavy with nurses on both sides, I am NOT into caring for sick people. I've heard other moms say they actually like it. It makes them feel needed and loved. Great! Well, it makes me feel annoyed. Get up and get your own glass of water, for goodness sake! (Oh yeah, you are a sick child.... must... be... nurturing.....)
Zander sometimes gets nosebleeds in the middle of the night and wakes us up for help. You know he doesn't do it on purpose (I mean, who wants to have a gushing nosebleed at 2 am?) but whenever I have to get up in the middle of the night for one (or a nightmare, or potty emergency or whatever) I feel terribly annoyed. Often André is the one who deals with the nighttime drama, he seems to be more patient and also has the enviable talent of being able to fall back asleep within 2 minutes of his return to our bed. On the other hand, I usually spend the next hour tossing and turning, if I am able to get back to sleep at all. My body seems to think, once we are up, we are up, no matter what the clock reads. Sometimes this will go on until about 6am, when I finally get to sleep - only to be pounced on for 'snuggle time' at 6:30!
One good thing about being sick is that you don't have to feel guilty for not being productive. This has made it so we have finally finished Season 2 of Lost and are starting Season 3. Man, could that show be any more crazy? Anyway, this is obviously going to be one of those rambling posts....
Another thing that happened this week is that the teachers are having a greve (strike). At Callie and Griffin's school, they let us know about a week beforehand that school would be closed on the next Thursday for the strike and also handed out numbers of childcare facilities where you could leave your munchkins if needed (considerate, right?). Why strike? It seems that they have many complaints to be addressed. Inadequate raises, cutting back on teaching assistants and the elimination of educational progams to help students learn to become RASED instructors. RASED is the equivalent of special education here in France. It seems they have been cutting funding for these teachers and basically trying to eliminate them completely from all French schools. I guess they figure if they simply remove it as a major from the universities, the supply of teachers will naturally dry up. Zander is lucky to have a RASED teacher at his school, he goes to see her a few times per week. I'm not quite sure what the reasoning is behind this move - all kids are not the same - and some genuinely have learning problems - what are such kids to do?
So, it is interesting how the strike works. As I said, Callie and Griffin's school was closed - but Zander's wasn't. He still went to school and his teacher was there. So were many of the other teachers at his school. Some, however, did participate in the strike. For example, Claire's teacher was part of the strike and I took care of her on Thursday. It makes me wonder about the way unions work here. Is there more than one teachers union? In the same school? Do some teachers belong and others don't? So many questions, such pathetic language skills....
I have no idea what came out of the strike. Zander was really upset that he didn't get a day off and wanted to stay home today, making for an interesting morning challenge. We overcame all objections, however, and they are all back in school today. Does this mean the teachers got what they wanted? Will they greve again???
Since the advent of Griffin going to school all day (Quick poop update: He is still not potty trained), I have been working very hard on my language skills - spending at least 1/2 hour to 1 hour per day on the Rosetta Stone and also trying to speak to people more - but all I get is blank stares (unless it is Callie I am trying to talk to - she usually helps me out). Some poor kid asked me what time it was the other day while we were waiting for pick up at school - I asked him to repeat the question 3 times since (despite my lessons and supposedly total immersion) I had NO IDEA what he was asking me. Luckily some French person came over and answered him. Kids are doing well though, Callie is half fluent, Griffin seems to understand almost everything and Zander is really starting to learn to read in French. (He doesn't understand what he is reading but he is reading it!) I am wondering when he will start to comprehend more. His teacher and tutor say he is picking it up, but I think he is faking at least some of it. One reason for this is how he never speaks in French when he is around his friends. Another is how he still gets easily frustrated by the language. I no longer have to translate the books we get out of the library into English for Callie and Griffin but I do for Zander. Well, he is older, those neural connections are more hardened, I guess. Goodness knows mine seem to be concrete.
Um.... wasn't the name of this post 'upcoming adventure'?
OK, OK - here it comes. The next petit vacance (2 weeks off for the kids) will be the last week of February, the first week in March. I spent the last 2 or 3 days researching and it looks like the cheapest place to head this time of year is the North Sea. (wonder why...) I basically want to see everything in the world but, I know this won't be possible (or affordable) for only a 2 year sojourn. So, I have a hit list. We've already done Switzerland and Italy (Milan) over Christmas so I am moving on down my list to......... Belgium. (I want to hit all my anscestoral lands and Dhondt is a Belgiumish (Belgish? (Dutch???)) name - one of my great, great grandparents, a former gendarme (that is police officer), immegrated to the U.S. from there. It is about a 6 hour drive from here. We wanted to take a train but it turns out to be much cheaper (like half the price) to rent a car - and gives us more freedom. So, while you deal with school and the end of winter blues, you will find us (in between daytrips) in a seaside apartment in Oostend, Belgium. It is an hour's drive from Rotterdam and from Bruge (the Venice of the North), it's 2 hours from Brussels and 2.5 hours from Amsterdam and Antwerp ..... plus all the local things in Oostend. (Don't know what they might be, but there is sure to be something).
I also spent some time searching around for the NEXT petit vacance - when we will have the pleasure of seeing André's mom and step father. They will arrive in Italy and take their time driving over to see us. Then they will visit here in Besancon for a few days and we will all head to Paris for 4 days at the very end of April. We will FINALLY take the train (I promise kids!) the high speed TGV that goes from Besancon to Paris in about 2 hours. And there is such great public transportation there, a car would be more annoying than helpful. That's right, I know all of you are absolutely green with envy.... it will be the legendary April in Paris....... Of course, I was curious about where this came from -Wikipedia informs me that it is a 1932 song, followed by a 1952 musical film and a 1956 album. Amazing how little things like this float up through the ages - I mean - I was born 20 years after the album came out.... and I have no memory of ever seeing the movie or hearing the song - yet, whenever I think of our upcoming trip, some fragment of it echoes in the back of my mind 'april in parrrrris..... april in paaaaaaaaaris........." OK - now I am really embarrassed - just listened to the most famous (Count Basie) recording of it - and there are no words - just a catchy jazz tune that reminds me of "pop goes the weasel" (another timeless ditty). How does my mind work???
My next job will be to research what to do when on these vacations. I am really interested in EuroDisney with the kids for a day - cheesy but I know they would love it. Hmm... wonder what that would cost?
Until next time....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
when mommy and daddy have a cold at the same time
Monday, January 26, 2009
10 weeks and counting
Today's workout was 25-min on the road, with 4x10-sec hill repeats near the end. I've got a touch of Rebecca's cold, I think... running clears my congestion a bit.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
bas de Chailleuz
Callie's is 6!
Wednesday, was the 21st - and the kids had off school. She dictated the menus for the day - Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese for breakfast, egg salad for lunch (good thing I had about 30 eggs) and tacos (a challenge in France) for dinner. We spent a long time doing a scientific experiment together. It consisted of counting how many rocks it would take inside a plastic container to sink it to the bottom of the tub, we then tied a balloon to the box to see if it would help it float again. We got a suprise package for all of us from Miss Tish, Zander's former kindergarten teacher. What a cool suprise! We love getting packages - and the
Thursday I remembered that her other Grandma and her Aunt Jenae had sent her gifts with the Christmas package so I dug them out and we spent some time magically dressing and redressing a felt doll (from Grandma) using the magic wand (from Aunt Jenae) to 'bing' new outfits upon her. We were also excited to get a new purple outfit!
Friday was her party at school. It seems that 6 kids have birthdays in January. 3 had their party last Friday, and 3 (Paul, Evan and Callie) this Friday. That meant 3 birthday cakes (or in Callie's case,
Saturday was the actual birthday party. We have a tradition in our family - you can either have a party OR a special day to spend doing your choice of activities accompanied by only one friend and either Mom or Dad. In the past 3 years, Zander had always chosen a party and Callie always a special day. This year, as she has made so many new friends and didn't want to exclude any, she chose a party. There were to be 11 children 7 and younger and we had called our babysitter Natalie in as an extra set of hands. Well, she got sick causing me a minor panic attack! Luckily we were able to get a last minute replacement. The party was supposed to run from 3pm to 5:30pm. I had prepared games, crafts etc... to occupy the time. I wasn't worried. I have run tons of birthday parties and other events in Philly. Granted, all those were outdoor parties - usually run on the circle or in other venues but a party is a party, right? Well, do you know that 'rule' that they have about kids' birthday parties?? The one where you should never invite more kids than your child's age (that would mean no more than 6 right?) Well, there is a reason the wise people out there made that rule.
First off, these kids were prompt. And by prompt, I mean, early! The first guest arrived at 2:40 and they were all in by about 3:05. Am I even dressed and ready 20 minutes ahead of time? No way! At home, people were always late. The babysitter was actually one of the last arrivals. So, there we were, with 11 kids, trapped in the house and man, were they ready to party! They were bouncing off the walls. I know I have mentioned that French kids play rougher than their American count
Then it was cake and opening presents - At Callie's request I had made vanilla cake with chocolate whipped-cream frosting. Most of the kids didn't eat it (hey, the cake wasn't chocolate and what is this fro
Anyway, after present opening some parents started to come and pick up - which they were also prompt at - th
Several relatives requested that Callie tell what happened at her party - I have tried asking her around 3 times now and she really had a hard time figuring out what to say - but, after a while, I pried the following out of her:
The Callie perspective:
In the morn
I find it interesting to note she doesn't mention the game I thought went well OR the presents. Just goes to show everyone has a different perspective on this stuff. Well, she is finally 6 - in a few months Griffin will be 4 - they are all growing up so fast.
double hills to Fort de Rosemont
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Our 15 minutes of fame continues....
I got very curious about this idea of 15 minutes of fame (a phrase I have heard my entire life and never investigated thus far) and, of course, decided to look it up on wikipedia...
Turns out the saying comes from Andy Warhol (for some reason, I thought it was Woody Allen - same diff, right?). André and I were talking about whether this is true or not though, and, especially with the advent of reality TV it seems like it might be true. But then, we got to thinking some more. I mean, there are like 6.7 billion people on the planet. Even if you take into account all the reality 'stars' and 'person on the street' interviews in the universe, there is no way that everyone gets 15 minutes of fame. We are a rarified bunch! This doesn't neccessarily mean we are to be envied, but, that's not the point. The point is, are we common??? I think not.
Anyway, back to the story of our fame.
They called André back a few days before the inauguration and said that, lucky day, they had found another American to come and watch with us. Is that OK? PLUS, they also wanted to interview him and the other American after the inauguration (about 7pm our time) on live TV besides the taped section. So.... you found some other American randomly? (How does all this work?) But, hey, we're game - bring her on over.
The big day arrives. I spend the afternoon cleaning house which included major rearranging of our living room so the TV would be faced by a couch (usually we have it turned around in a deliberate attempt to show our disdain for what my parents always referred to as the 'boob tube' and more recently is hailed as the 'idiot box'). We thought it would be rude (and bizarre for TV viewers) to ask our guest to sit on the floor.
We do not have high speed internet at home, so we decide to watch the videofeed on French TV (yes, they are showing it live on channel 2) and listen to the audio over the internet via NPR. It actually worked out great. I was relieved since I really wanted to listen in English. The other American arrived in good time, her name was Nancy, she has lived in Besancon for many years, spoke French and English perfectly and was very nice. I was suprised at how much I appreciated being able to share the moment with her - I wished there were more Americans about - this was a truly American moment. (As long as we are wishing, it would have been amazing to be home to watch it!) The TV crew asked her a few questions, André a few questions and even posed some to the kids. I was sure Zander would get on TV since they asked him - what is Obama going to do when he is president? and he said "Maybe fix the world." (Let's all hope that's true!) but no TV time for Zander! At least, with this blog, his answer will live on forever.
Hmm.... didn't they ask ME any questions? (I know this one has been burning in your mind). Well, no. I, apparantly, do not qualify for television. First off, I'm not a cute kid, and secondly, I don't speak French well enough to be decipherable. I find it helpful, in these types of situations, to remember what I read in this great book a friend (Caroline!) gave me right before we moved here.. it is called Almost French and the protagonist (an Australian living in France) advised people such as myself to imagine they are a chair whenever in French situations where you don't speak the language. This way, it does not hurt your feelings as much when you are ignored. I have found this advice to be incredibly helpful countless times since my arrival here.
Well, we watched the inauguration (both André and I crying and Zander so excited he was squealing!) and listened to the speech and headed for the kitchen to try to whip up some dinner before live TV time. Well, I didn't mind being a chair, but I had made zucchini cake for these people as well, and none of them (the TV crew was like 5 people) would even try it. Now, that, I think, was just unacceptable! We were then informed that it seemed that they would use Nancy on live TV, not both Nancy and André and would we mind that? Also, can we keep the kids absolutely as silent as possible since they need to use our living room for the interview? Well, OK - but since they had been pretty silent during the entire TV show (Griffin made sticker pictures and necklaces) they were ready for some noise and it was a major challenge. They did admirably though. I got lots of compliments on how good they were. I love it when people tell me my kids are well-behaved - makes me so proud.
Anyway, I think they sensed we were wanting a few more minutes of fame so, after the live portion, they asked to interview André again for a segment the next day. André, my true defender and hero, insisted I be included as well. When he asked "Rebecca, aussi?" they were confused, oh, you want her as well? (like, why? She's a chair!!!) but agreed. So, we both got to be on TV the next day, and they even let me speak a bit in English. I did get some stage fright and didn't really answer the question in a good way, and, of course, most of my answer got cut out, so, I think I will do that here, so my true thoughts can be recorded for posterity. So, he asked me, do you think it is YOUR generation that made this possible? My answer to that would be, both yes and no. My generation, is not an entity unto itself. My generation was ready for this change, ready to elect an African American, ready to believe in this person who said things are not working and we will change it, ready to believe that change was possible and, with their embrace of that possibility, ready to mobilize and work and register countless new voters from every generation to make this dream a reality. They helped us all believe it was possible, and it became real through their vision and energy. But, on the other hand, this belief would never have been held by my generation if we did not stand on the backs of others, of all the generations before us. From the Revolution, to the Civil War to the fight for womens rights and the famous struggles to end segregation and the war in Vietnam our parents and grandparents paved the path that made it so I grew up in a world that was multicultural, politically correct and full of possibility. These older warriors worked to get Obama elected as well - I know many of them, including my own father who has raised us as Democrats and worked on elections my entire life. He didn't believe it would happen. I remember, during the primary, him saying that the US would NEVER elect a black man to president and even up to election day, him fearing that loss was inevitable. Luckily, for all of us, he was wrong (and happily so!) I think, the difference with the younger generation, is that we always believed more than we feared. However, kudos out to the older generations that kept fighting, even after countless losses. I think, that is what President Obama needs us to continue to do as the country moves foward, to continue to feed the idea of hope more than fear - to continue to make the leaps of faith, combined with hard work, that help us to become a better nation, for all citizens.
Anyway - the end result was we were on Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon:
The Tuesday night section can be viewed here -- PLEASE NOTE this link changes every day, so you'll have to find and click the text that says Mardi 20 Janvier:
It is from 13 minutes 31 seconds to 15 minutes 05 seconds and you can watch up to 17 minutes 25 seconds for the live portion with Nancy....
The Wednesday afternoon section is here -- PLEASE NOTE this link changes every day, so you'll have to find and click the text that says Mercredi 21 Janvier :
It is from the very start to 2 minutes 53 seconds
Happy viewing!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Proud mama, play, french manners and extreme hiking
Another nice thing is that the weather has warmed up a bit. I love snow, but not cold and I hate walking everywhere all bundled up with the wind freezing my face off. Also, I have to act all like "Hey, this is great - no problem" or my kids will sense my weakness and start whining. Well, it has gotten much warmer and the wind had died down as well.
School wise, the end of the week was great too. I had all three of the kids' teachers and their tutor tell me things that boiled down to - your kids are finally getting it! They don't have to reexplain in English any longer - the kids are understanding all the French and Callie and Griffin are even speaking it as well. Zander is still having the hardest time but he is working very hard and seems happy in school. His teacher told me the best thing about Zander is that he has such a big heart. Everyone else who has done this before us says that it takes 4 to 6 months for the language to kick in - well we are just past 4 months and the good reports are starting up. Proud mama is me!
On Saturday Callie had her 2nd french birthday party - for her friend Paul (pronounced 'pole') at Funky Parc (which is sort of the French version of Chuck E. Cheese). Of course she loved it. While she was having her party, we invited Tebaud (TeeBO) over for a playdate with Zander. They had a wonderful time together playing board games, forts, pirates and making things with modeling clay. He is a great kid - polite and kind - hopefully he will be a good influence on Zander.
We finished out the day by shopping for Callie's party supplies - she will be turning 6 years old this Wednesday and her party will be at our house Saturday. Counting my 3, there will be 12 kids there - so we have hired a babysitter as back up adult hands!
Saturday night I made a lame attempt to help André with some French paperwork - it is very hard for me because I can't understand details of the language or pick out what parts of the cover letter are important. I end up translating the whole thing - taking me an hour - when he could have done the same thing in 5 minutes. Anyway, the point of this story (since all my stories have a point, right?) is that, to the French, politeness and doing things a certain way is very important. This is true in spoken language but most especially in written language. When I used to be in marketing my closer was something like. "If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact me at any time" Oh ho, ho, not so simple in french business talk. A great example of this formality is the closing paragraph of this letter that was written to us (it is a cover letter for an application for a grant we might be eligible for). "I remain at your disposal to answer any request for additional information. I wish you good reception and, please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my cordial greetings." Excellency???? I mean, who wouldn't be happy after being referred to as an Excellency? - we do have 11 blog followers but still, I don't think I qualify for a title.....
Sunday we wanted to do something, but what? a swim? (did that Wednesday) a bike ride? (wait, it's cold and rainy) a hike?? (um, didn't we just say it was cold and rainy?)
Well, it's less cold and rainy than it has been. A hike it is then. We dithered back and forth a bit - maybe we should stay home, do some bills, clean etc... but we really wanted to get out of the house - and we won't melt right? André had been wanting us to hike together up to Fort Chaudanne - so we decided to go for i
On Sunday we also spent some time cleaning out the kids 'special places'. Since they s
Until next time, please refer to me as: Her Excellency, Rebecca
Saturday, January 17, 2009
a trip to Paris for the Agile Alliance
Thursday, January 15, 2009
1000 visits - oh my!
I know, Google probably gets like, one million hits per second or something, and lots of the hits might be bots or mistakes (or me, obsessively checking if anyone left comments) but still - there have been probably at least 500 times that somebody came to see our little blog and that's pretty cool if you ask me. Who knew our lives would be so interesting to people.
We get this analytical report each week about who is reading it, and where they come from. I'm sure you are dying to know as well so the short version is that 10-15 unique users seem to check the blog daily and they come from the US (mostly Philly), France (mostly Besançon, but we have a dedicated- and mysterious- Paris contingent) and from the UK and New Zealand too. How international! They stay an average of 2-4 minutes per visit....
The question it doesn't answer is why? But I guess it is just to keep up with our blundering ways....
Anyway, just wanted to say THANKS - I love that people read this blog. It is comforting for me to know, that, on any given day, somewhere out there, someone (or 10) is reading about us, caring about us, and giving us a bit of their precious, scarce, free time.
Today I think my theme song should be from An American Tail - Somewhere Out There: (original Fievel version only please - that is the plaintive tone we are going for here)
"And even though I know how very far apart we are, it helps to think we might be wishin' on the same bright star, and when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome, lullaby, it helps to think we're sleepin' underneath the same big sky!"
low low low
Maybe that word is supposed to be Love not low.?.. but the last few days "low" has been echoing in my brain.
Here I am - Griffin in school all morning (even though he never once has come home dry yet)- a life of renewed freedom. Last week was playing catch up from vacation but this week, this week will be the start of my new life! This week I will work on French, catch up on my housework, find a yoga class and meet with a new friend. No more excuses for feeling so stuck.
Not so fast sister! Unfortunately, this has turned out to be a trapped in the house week - Claire has been ill and I've been taking care of her for Nadine and Olivier. Since we owe them, like, everything... this is not a big deal (especially since taking care of Claire basically has consisted of putting her in front of the television for about 8 hours per day with occasional medicine, tissues and juice boxes). I would do this for anyone who needs it, really, since I would want someone to do it for me. I guess it is just a bit frustrating since it has meant I am stuck inside all day everyday (except when I go to pick up kids at school for lunch and at the end of the day - yes I leave Claire alone while I do that - which worries me but her parents say it is OK, so whatever).
Why, when one is stuck inside, does one not do all those things one needs to do (like clean the fridge out, scrub the floors, prepare for Callie's birthday party or reorganize the kids clothes etc....)? Well - I did do some of those things on Monday (thank you notes are finally on the way)- but then my energy just ran out.... Why? I don't really know.
I have been playing 'try to meet with the American I met on the street in Besançon' for over one month now. We were supposed to meet up before Christmas and then I had to go to the Prefecture that day - we rescheduled for this week - and now I have Claire. I invited them over to watch the inauguration - but then found out that it is at 5:30pm our time - when most people are at work or just barely home - so they all want to just go home to watch it on TV. Maybe the 31st will work out as the next chance - basketball game followed by dinner out - dinner starting at 10pm - sounds like a late night but for a chance to meet some English speakers I'll prop my eyes open.
Speaking of staying up late, André is going to Paris tonight for a meeting - that should be fun. But he is NOT looking foward to it since it is scheduled not to end until 2am - urgh! Typically French, but way past our regular bedtime. Plus, unlike me, the prospect of networking all night (that is talking a lot to other professionals) is not so appealing. He does it because it is important, but he'd much rather be typing away on some screen. Me, I love networking or any opportunity to chat. This will be the first night we have spent apart since coming here - I think. Hey, can't anyone come on over here and babysit for the night so I can go with him?
Anyway, I miss home, and having friends.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
art class for Zander
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Back to life
Then someone pushed a button and all the doors and windows close and I get a seatbelt on me - and then the marble starts to roll - it rolls faster and faster - faster than we can walk or go on a train - I am going upside down and right side up over and over again. To stop there is an emergency door on the roof and when you jump out of your seatbelt on to the door you can push a button and put out metal posts from the door that will stop it.
and I jumped up into the clouds and up there there were flowers. They were green, purple and yellow, and one pink, a new one. There were no mean flowers. It was a raincloud and there was a storm in the rain - there was a person walking and they put their hood up and it was a grown up.